Top 5 Core Strengthening Exercises For Men

By Kya Grace

Core area is the most important portion of your body. The trunk, abs and pelvis together form the core area the area where your center of gravity lies. Therefore, it is not only vital for fitness and a great body, but also for stabilization and balance. Core exercises, as the name suggests, focuses on this core area of your body. These exercises work on the muscles in your abdomen, hips, pelvis and lower back. This makes your spine stronger and alleviates lower back pains or other form of injuries. It is recommended to perform these exercises, at least initially, under a guidance of a personal trainer. This would ensure that the exercises are done using the right technique and form, so that you get the best results.

Different core exercises focus on different parts of your body. Hence, using a combination of different types of core exercises gets you the maximum result. Here are the top five core exercises to help you choose your pick:

Plank (Bridge)

This exercise works on your entire core, as well as, on your upper and lower body muscles. For this, you need to follow these simple steps:

1. Lie down on the floor on your stomach.

2. Lift your body off the floor with the help of your forearms and toes. Ensure that the elbows are at right angle.

3. Dont arch your back.

4. Hold the position for 30 – 60 seconds.

Side Bridge

This exercise is very similar to plank. However, instead of facing down, here you lie on your side. This mainly focuses on the abdominal muscles stomach, obliques and the core. For this:

1. Lie down with your legs straightened out.


2. Turn on one side and lift your body with one bent arm. Ensure that your body is straight and parallel to the ground from shoulders to ankles.

3. Tightly hold your abs for a minute.

4. Relax. Change side and repeat.

Twisting Crunch

Twisting crunch exercise is like a normal crunch with a slight twist. It targets all your stomach muscle fibers at one go. Follow these simple steps to get great results:

1. Lie on the floor on your back.

2. Bend your knees at 90 degrees.

3. For better support, keep your hands at the back of your head.

4. Using your abdominal muscles, raise your torso to a 45 degree angle.

5. Twist from one side to another.

6. Continue for 5-10 minutes and then relax.

Glute Bridge:

This exercise primarily works on your glute, hamstrings and lower back. For this:

1. Lie on the ground on your back.

2. Keep your arms to your side, your knees bent and heels on ground.

3. Lift your hips off the ground, so that your shoulders, hips and knees are all in a straight line.

4. Hold position for 5 seconds. Return to the start position.

5. Repeat for 10-15 times.

Wood Chop

This functional exercise prepares your body for everyday activities and functions. For this exercise, you need a high cable and follow the steps:

1. Sit on a half-kneeling position.

2. Ensure that your hips are perpendicular to the machine, left knee bent down and right foot on the floor.

3. Hold the end of the rope with right hand. Keep a gap of 24-inches and hold other part of the rope with your left hand.

4. Without moving your torso, pull the left hand towards your chest.

5. As the right hand elevates, push the left hand towards the floor.

6. Change side and repeat.

Core exercises have different difficulty levels as well. Start with the simpler ones and move on to the advanced level only when advised by your personal trainer. Follow the rules and be dedicated – and see for yourself how your life changes for the better!!

About the Author: Kya Grace is a Sydney weight loss expert and owner of Dangerously Fit personal training. If you would like to sign up for a

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